It provides an alternative investment for overseas clients who expect high return and are also ready to afford higher than normal risks associated with margin trading activities and derivative product investments 此新产品为寻求更高回报,同时为能承受?展买卖活动和衍生工具投资所附带的较高风险之海外客户,提供另一投资选择。
Identify a sample of employees who may face a higher than normal risk of injury from electric shock and confirm through interviews that they are trained in ( classroom or on the job ) and familiar with the safety - related work practices that pertain to their respective job assignments 找出一位面临高电击风险的雇员并通过面谈确认他们(在课堂或工作中)接受过培训并熟悉与各自工作分配相关的安全操作规程